Unsubscription request confirmed
If you’re seeing this page as a result of clicking a link in an email from Bitpro, your request to unsubscribe from emails from us is (likely) processing. As we’ve had some issues with the unsubscribe feature, please enter your email address as a backup unsubscribe method below to have your unsubscription request manually processed. Please allow up to 1 week for the change to take effect. If this was an error, please fill out a contact form on our website. If you just happened to find this page without clicking a link in an email from us, you are in a dark corner of the internet and should return to whence you came.
We do not send any marketing emails. Any message from us is a response to your inquiry on our website. If you could kindly let us know using the form below why you’re requesting not to be contacted by us in the future it would help us improve!
If you change your mind in the future and wish to get in contact with us again, please use any of the methods listed on our contact page.